Tractor Supply Hours: Opening, Closing, and Holiday Hours

tractor supply hours

Wonder what Tractor Supply hours of operation are?

Keep reading to find out Tractor Supply’s Opening and Closing hours, what holidays Tractor Supply is open or closed, how to find Tractor Supply near you, delivery options, and much more!

Introduction – Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply is a retailer which specializes in the sale of products and services that are related to farming and agriculture. The stores are home to an array of items such as equipment, tools, and clothing for professionals and hobbyists. Tractor Supply also offers services such as maintenance and repairs.

Tractor Supply Opening Hours

The majority of Tractor Supply stores are open from 8 AM until shut down at 9 PM on Monday through Saturday. The hours for Sundays are 9 AM. until 7 PM. Be aware that TSC hours can vary from one location to the next.

DaysOpening HoursClosing Hours
Monday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Tuesday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Wednesday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Thursday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Friday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Saturday8:00 AM9:00 PM
Sunday9:00 AM7:00 PM

Tractor Supply Holiday Hours

Tractor Supply is open for all holidays, except for Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. During these, the store is closed so that employees can enjoy moments with their families. Tractor Supply understands that its employees require some time off to celebrate.

On which holidays is Tractor Supply open?

Happy New YearOpen
Martin Luther King DayOpen
President’s DayOpen
Mardi Gras Fat TuesdayOpen
Good FridayOpen
Easter MondayOpen
Memorial DayOpen
Independence  DayOpen
Labor DayOpen
Columbus DayOpen
Veterans DayOpen
Black FridayOpen
Christmas EveningOpen
Boxing DayOpen
Happy New Year’s EveningOpen
National Dress DayOpen
International Fanny Pack DayOpen
National Earmuff DayOpen
National Jewel DayOpen
National Shoe The World DayOpen

On which holidays Tractor Supply is closed?

Christmas DayClosed
Thanksgiving DayClosed
Easter DayClosed
New Year’s DayClosed

How To Find Tractor Supply Near Me

The most efficient way to locate the nearest Tractor Supply locations is by using Enter Tractor Supply after which you type in your zip code and you’ll get the nearest location.

What Does Tractor Supply Offer

The company provides a range of items for agriculture, pet care, lawn maintenance, home improvement, and more. Being one of the top US sellers in this sector, TSC is a great location to shop for lawnmowers and pet products, trailers, garden equipment, fencing, propane, etc.

About Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply is a retailer which specializes in the sale of items and other services for farmers as well as ranchers. The company was established around 1938, by Charles E. Schmidt, and there are now over 200,3 Tractor Supply stores across the United States. Tractor Supply’s offerings include things like livestock feed tools, fencing as well as agricultural chemical products.


Every one of the Tractor Supply stores provides customers with the security and convenience of same-day and next-day delivery on nearly every item. This includes nearly 15,000 items that customers require including livestock food as well as dog food, power tools, chicken coops, and much more, all without needing to leave their home or farm.

How to Contact?

For a wide range of inquiries, visit their website’s Contact Us page.

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Customer Service

  • Customer Support Center: 877-718-6750

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